Age Group

4-6, 7-11, 12-14 YEARS

Drop-In's Welcome!

Marine Drive Learning Centre


fSTE(E)M-Female STEM Empowerment

Cost: Little Brains: $182.28+GST for 6 one hour classes

Specialists/Managers: $270+GST for 6 one and a half hour classes.

BrainSTEM Learning online registration link:

BrainSTEM Learning online account set up/login

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fSTE(E)M is designed for young females and is a unique fusion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Each class will be learning about the HERstory of women in engineering and the engineering design process.

Students will use all their creativity to design, develop, build, devises and systems.
fSTE(E)M will be a combination of different branches of engineering such as Aerospace, Chemical, Mechanical, BioEngineering, Robotics, Environmental, and Software.

Therefore, fSTE(E)M is an excellent way to discover different types of engineering while having fun using STEM Learning.